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The only way to forecast the future of bitumen price


  • The only way to forecast the future of bitumen price

    The more bitumen traders and buyers have data about price trends in the past, the better they become at timing their future purchase.

    Bitumen price is currently affected by what has happened in 2018 and 2019. That is why we created a video to review the political incidents that affected bitumen price list 2018 and bitumen price list 2019. In this video, you not only understand the ways bitumen price reacted to political issues, you will also find solutions for purchasing bitumen at the right time.

    Trading activities in the field of bitumen were highly affected in 2018 by major incidents including Venezuela’s oil production falling into its lowest level, the United States leaving Iran nuclear deal, and OPEC deciding to cut the production of crude oil.

    The most important change in 2018 was an increasing gap between price trends in two major Asian suppliers, Iran, and Singapore. According to Argus media, this was caused by President Trump’s decision to leave the Iran Nuclear Deal, forcing a dramatic drop to bitumen price trends in Iran’s ports.

    In 2019, the world’s political turmoil imposed more ups and downs to bitumen price trends in comparison to 2018.

    Key incidents that significantly hit the bitumen market were the Persian Gulf ship attacks, Iranian shoot-down of U.S. drone, and British and Iranian tanker seizures.

    Here is three main tips for avoiding troubles in trading bitumen in 2020.

    In brief, Infinity Galaxy recommend you to:

    1-      keep track of geopolitical tensions in the world,

    2-      be aware of the national currencies’ values against USD in the countries where bitumen is produced,

    3-      And stay in tune with changes in export regulations, required export documents, and shipping costs in the countries where bitumen is produced.

    You can also consult our bitumen experts at Infinity Galaxy. We have an exclusive access to the world’s most reliable benchmarks in the field of bitumen price, including Argus Media, S&P Global Platts, Bitumart, and local market analysts as well.

    مرورگر شما از ویدئو پشتیبانی نمی‌کند.
    فایل آن‌را از اینجا دانلود کنید: video/mp4

    Visit our website for more information: www.infinitygalaxy.org

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Iran, Kuwait voice solidarity on fighting coronavirus


  • Iran, Kuwait voice solidarity on fighting coronavirus

    During the phone call, Marzouq al-Ghanim conveyed Kuwaiti emir Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah"s greeting to Larijani as well as his concern over his infection with the disease.

    Addressing Ali Larijani, Marzouq al-Ghanim said, “You are a valuable and influential figure in the region and I wish you full recovery on behalf of the Kuwaiti emir and people”.

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US will not succeed in wooing others to violate int"l law: Iran’s ambassador to UN


  • US will not succeed in wooing others to violate int"l law: Iran’s ambassador to UN

    “Yet another attempt by US to distract from its continued Economic Terrorism on the Iranian people: this time, US is calling on UNSC to violate its very resolution 2231, and continue arms restrictions on Iran,” Takht Ravanchi wrote on his official Twitter account.

    “But US will not succeed in wooing others to violate int"l law,” he added.

    Takht Ravanchi’s tweet came after Mike Pompeo on Saturday in a message urged the UN Security Council to extend the arm embargo on Iran to prevent starting a new arms race in the Middle East.

    The UNSC arms sanctions against Iran were imposed in 2006-2007 aiming to stop arms sale to Iran and arms exports from Iran.

    After signing Iran nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), these sanctions were supposed to be lifted on October 18, 2020 after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified the peaceful nature of Iran nuclear program.

    Resolution 2231 retains the arms embargo on Iran for five years after implementation and the sanctions on Iran"s ballistic missile program for eight years.

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FAO scales up its technical assistance to Iran on addressing Desert Locust infestation


  • FAO scales up its technical assistance to Iran on addressing Desert Locust infestation

    Signed by FAO and Iran’s Plant Protection Organization (PPO) on 19 March 2020, the USD 300000 Technical Cooperation Project (TCP) “Urgent action for capacity building to control desert locust infestation in the Islamic Republic of Iran”, now totals USD 500 000.

    “In view of the alarming situation of desert locust in the region and the possible huge damages this pest can cause in agricultural production and rural livelihoods, FAO determined to further extend its technical assistance to Iran, and accordingly allocated additional funds to this project,” said FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr Gerold Bödeker.

    Expressing his hope to contain desert locust effectively across the country, Mr Bödeker emphasized, “the project mainly focuses on providing around 320 Iranian experts with the requisite technical knowledge and skills to detect, track, report on and rapidly respond to desert locust infestations.”

    He added, “As part of the agreement, FAO will also assist the country in procuring vital equipment needed to equip two desert locust control centres that will allow a quicker and more effective response.”

    According to Mr. Keith Cressman, the Executive Secretary of the FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in South-West Asia (SWAC), “Widespread rains over the last couple of months in East Africa and South-West Asia including southern Iran, provided a conducive environment for the desert locusts to breed. In East Africa, this represents an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods since it coincides with the beginning of the planting season.”

    Mr. Cressman who is also FAO’s Senior Locust Forecasting Officer continued, “It is crucial to join hands and share knowledge and skills to manage this dangerous migratory pest and prevent further deterioration of the situation.”

    “FAO has implemented similar projects in Pakistan, Yemen and East African nations, all aimed to support its Member States in managing the threat posed by the desert locust,” added Mr. Cressman.

    FAO, being the lead UN Agency dedicated to increasing food and agricultural development, monitors the global locust situation to provide early warning and forecasts. The Organization works closely with its member countries to strengthen their national capacities for better management of locust, including timely control and preventive interventions.

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New methods of screening kick off in provinces: President Rouhani


  • New methods of screening kick off in provinces: President Rouhani

    Speaking on Sunday at the session of the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, President Hassan Rouhani said, "With the new screening methods implemented in provinces throughout the country, people close to COVID-19 patients will be tested and this important step takes us closer to harnessing the disease”.

    Parts of President Rouhani’s speech at the session are as follows:

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

    I deem it necessary to thank the great Iranian nation; because low-risk businesses restarted their activities from April 11 in different provinces, of course, in Tehran, they started from yesterday, and it was very important for us to see if people cooperate fully or partially.

    Overall, the report we had yesterday and today is that people have been very helpful and cooperative. This success is also due to people and business owners observing health protocols.

    On the other hand, we have to thank the medical staff who work day and night in different hospitals for screening and other programmes. Thank God, their figures have been becoming more promising every day in recent days.

    All this is very important for us. On the one hand, people cooperated, and on the other hand, the medical staff worked with all their power.

    Also at the meeting today, the Ministry of Health and Medical Education raised issues that show that with the new methods, both screening and identification of people with the disease will continue.

    I would like to add a point here, and it is relevant to our discussion today that the situation these days is difficult for all people and around the world, and we do not have a country that is not infected with this virus and has no problems.

    The virus has affected social and political life, as well as in world politics and the world economy, but it has been -and is- more difficult for our people, one of the reasons is sanctions, which many countries do not have.

    The next issue that was perhaps more difficult for us was that these days we had Nowruz holidays during which we stopped our traditions, and it was difficult for people.

    Not all countries had this ceremony, and we were among the countries that have this ceremony at a high level, and our lifestyle is such that this situation has become more difficult for us, that is, we have large gatherings.

    One of the conditions that has made the situation worse for us, and perhaps for all Muslims, is the holy month of Ramadan, and we have thought a lot about what we can do for the holy month of Ramadan and what we can do.

    Holy places always have a lot of attraction for us, which increases during the holy month of Ramadan. It is also difficult for us to tell people that during the month of Ramadan, the previous conditions must continue until mid-Ramadan.

    We ask all the dear people that in these last days of Sha"ban and next week, when we enter the month of Ramadan, due to these circumstances, not to hold congregations.

    I would like to thank the organs and institutions that continued their hard work in the past two months and in this difficult situation; of course, they followed the health protocols and, thank God, we achieved great project openings.

    In the past week, we had four major projects opened in water and electricity, and in the coming weeks we will have large openings until the end of Ramadan and after Ramadan.

    I have to thank the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare, which last week offered shares in the stock market and the capital market; this was very important. I call on all public and private institutions, the armed forces and all those who can, to bring their companies to the stock market.

    The next issue was the reopening of medium-risk businesses, other low-risk businesses had begun their work in provinces last week and began this week in Tehran.

    There are high-risk businesses that are closed now, like restaurants where people sit there and eat together, it is high-risk, or stadiums, or any place where there"s a gathering, a seminar, a conference, a celebration, and congregations, there is no difference.

    In the case of prisoners we had previously decided to stay on leave until today, because today is the last day of the months. Of course, at the previous session we also discussed the issue and delayed it, and of course the judiciary itself has very good decisions.

    We have not made a new decision regarding schools and universities, except that universities can have their face-to-face educational activities in the field of doctoral education, and the rest remains the same to see what our future conditions will be. Universities and schools will continue education through the Internet.

    There was a discussion at the meeting that dear Iranians who are abroad, whether students or non-students, and want to return to Iran, have a protocol that has been announced.

    Everyone must follow the protocol; There will definitely be a quarantine for them from the country they fly back, and in this quarantine, they will be tested. If their test result is negative, they can go back with the same flight, but if not, they will remain in quarantine for a while.

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