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Tulip festival in Arak, Iran


  • Tulip festival in Arak, Iran

    14 April 2020 / 16:19

    Tehran (ISNA) – The third edition of the tulip festival of Arak City has begun and will continue for four weeks.

    Nearly 120 thousand tulips have been planted for this edition of the tulip festival, but there are a few visitors due to the outbreak of the coronavirus.


Passion for repairing toys


  • Passion for repairing toys

    14 April 2020 / 17:22

    Tehran (ISNA) – Sabah Khaleghi is a 72-year-old man who has been repairing toys since 1973.

    He has a lifelong passion for toys and repairs them at his home and store.

    Mr. Khaleghi has collected many rare and expensive toys during the years of repairing them.

    He is called "The Doctor of Toys" due to repairing different kinds of toys, especially dolls.

    These photos show some aspects of his job, “repairing toys”.


Water pours over Shahid Rajaei Dam"s spillways


  • Water pours over Shahid Rajaei Dam"s spillways

    17 April 2020 / 10:54

    Tehran (ISNA) – Shahid Rajaei Dam is located in Sari City of Mazandaran Province with the water capacity storage of 160 million cube meters.

    Due to this year’s heavy rain in Mazandaran Province, water has poured over the spillways of the Dam.

    Shahid Rajaei Dam, also known as a tourist attraction, provides drinking and farm water for people of Sari City.


Stunning Jashak Salt Dome


  • Stunning Jashak Salt Dome

    17 April 2020 / 13:17

    Tehran (ISNA) – Jashak Salt Dome is a natural tourist attraction located in Bushehr Province of Iran.

    It is known as one the largest and most beautiful salt domes of the Middle East.

    The Salt Dome is 3,666 hectares in extent and is one of the most beautiful salt domes of Iran.

    White salts of the dome make it look like a beautiful snowy mountain.

    The creation of Jashak Salt Dome dates back to 600 million year ago.