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The world against Iran’s sanctions


  • The world against Iran’s sanctions

    Today, as the coronavirus has increased economic and livelihood pressure on the Iranians and puts their health at serious risk, the Iranian people have a request from all the nations in the world. They want citizens of all countries to ask their presidents, parliamentarians and foreign ministers to prioritize lifting cruel sanctions on Iranians in negotiations and consultations with the US administration.

    These days, as the world is wrestling with a common problem known as “COVID-19” and facing difficulty and limitation due to shortage of medicines, medical equipment and health supplies in a short time, maybe it would be a good time for people around the world to understand the effect of shortage of medicines and medical equipment due to US’ unilateral sanctions on Iranians.

    Compatriots and fellowmen are expected to cooperate with this humane and moral campaign so the ultimate winner of this game is ethics, not politics. This campaign is completely popular and humane movement. It is not only a rehearsal for strengthening the “public diplomacy” and role-playing of nations in improving the global situations but also is an effort to achieve the long-time aspiration of every human being: freedom and global peace.

    In this regard, all Iranians around the world are invited to participate in this moral campaign. All well-known and popular Iranian and non-Iranian people including scientists, professors, artists, athletes, poets and writers, journalists and etc... are expected to reflect the voice of Iranian people in lifting sanctions.

    Publish the following text using #StopIranSanctions to reflect Iranians’ voice.

    در حالی‌که دهکده جهانی در حال مبارزه علیه #کووید19 است، ملت ایران مجبور است در جبهه دومی نیز مبارزه کند: مبارزه علیه #تحریم‌های_آمریکا.
    پیام ما به تمامی رهبران جهان: بیایید با ویروس مبارزه کنیم نه با ملت‌ها.
    لطفاً پیش از آن که خیلی دیر شود، به اشتراک بگذارید

    As the global village continues to fight against #COVID19, the Iranian nation has to fight a second battle: THE US SANCTIONS
    Our message to all the world leaders: fight against the virus—NOT against the nations
    Please share before it"s too late

    بینما تواصل القریة العالمیة مکافحة فیروس کوفید 19، فالشعب الإیرانی یقاتل علی جبهة ثانیة أیضاً وهی: العقوبات الأمریکیة.

    رسالتنا الواضحة لقادة العالم هی: تعالوا نکافح الفیروس، ولیس الناس.

     أوقفوا العقوبات المفروضة علی إیران

     قوموا بمشارکة النص قبل فوات الأوان

    Alors que le village mondial lutte contre le #Covid19, la nation iranienne devrait lutter dans un second front qui est les #sanctions américaine. Notre message aux leaders mondiaux: Venez lutter contre le virus et non contre le peuple
    Arrêtez les sanctions contre l’Iran

    Während alle im globalen Dorf im Kampf gegen Covid-19 sind, müssen die Iraner an zwei Fronten kämpfen: gegen US-Sanktionen und gegen #Covid-19
    Unsere Botschaft an alle Staatsoberhäupter: Kämpfen Sie gegen Corona und nicht gegen die Menschen! Stoppt #Sanktionen gegen Iran! Teilen Sie den Text bitte weiter, bevor zu spät ist

    Mientras la aldea global está luchando contra #Covid19, la nación iraní tiene que pelear una segunda batalla: las sanciones de los Estados Unidos

    Nuestro mensaje a los lideres mundiales: luchemos contra el virus, no contra la gente


    Por favor, compártelo antes de que sea demasiado tarde

    End Item


Session of cabinet ministers convenes


  • Session of cabinet ministers convenes

    1 April 2020 / 16:25

    Tehran (ISNA) – The session of Iran’s cabinet ministers was held under the chair of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday April 1 in Tehran.
    During the session Mr Rouhani said, “Fortunately, the statistics I read last night from all the provinces shows a downward trend of COVID-19 in all provinces, and it was a great pleasure for me to see that the path our doctors, specialists and people chose was the right path”.


Session of Government’s Economic Board held in Tehran


  • Session of Government’s Economic Board held in Tehran

    2 April 2020 / 16:26

    Tehran (ISNA) – The session of the Government’s Economic Board for Examining the Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak was held on Thursday April 2 in the presence of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.


Session of ‘National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus’ convenes in Tehran


  • Session of ‘National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus’ convenes in Tehran

    5 April 2020 / 14:40

    Tehran (ISNA) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani chaired the session of the “National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus” on Sunday April 5 in Tehran.
    The President announced that in the framework of the Smart Distancing Programme, medium and low-risk businesses in provinces around the country can start their activities from April 11 with strict observance of health protocols, but high-risk businesses will remain closed by April 19.